Learn how to support neurodivergent flourishing!

  • Develop a neurodivergent affirming lens
  • Learn how to implement neuroaffirming practices
  • Develop practical, actionable, evidence-based skills and knowledge 


Support to problem solve and navigate real world challenges


Changing the way
we support neurodivergent people

Learn how to support neurodivergent flourishing!

  • Develop a neurodivergent affirming lens
  • Learn how to implement neuroaffirming practices
  • Develop practical, actionable, evidence-based skills and knowledge 

Neurodivergent-affirming practices support flourishing by meeting needs and addressing barriers

Why is this so important? 

Research shows that neurodivergent people currently have poor life outcomes in all areas and that these outcomes are modifiable if we change the way we provide support. 

Let's work together to create that change towards providing neurodivergent-affirming education and care which:

  • Embraces and values the natural diversity of human brains and bodies 

  • Is responsive to meeting individual needs

  • Accommodates sensory, executive functioning and emotional regulation needs
  •  Supports both strengths and challenges of individuals 

  • Changes and saves lives

Our Support Services

Authentic, compassionate education and coaching grounded in 20+ years of professional experience and a lifetime of lived experience.

Let us help you develop practical, actionable, evidence-based skills and knowledge through a Neurodivergent Affirming framework.

Online Course

Dynamic Parenting Online Course & Community

Learn HOW to be a Neurodivergent Affirming caregiver with credible, actionable, evidence-based support.

Self-paced with optional supportive online community & group sessions.

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1:1 Parent

Compassionate mentoring and coaching with Kate

Empowering  and constructive conversations on Neuroaffirming options, strategies and approaches with someone who understands from both a parenting and lived experience perspective.


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1:1 Neurodivergent Mentoring

Neuroaffirming mentoring for neurodivergent adults & teens

Gain a deeper understanding of yourself, learn neuroaffirming strategies to support you, your goals and embrace the person you are in a safe, non-judgemental environment with Kate.


Join the Waitlist >

Professional Development

Professional Development, Mentoring & Speaking

Kate is an experienced, engaging speaker who can present on a range of topics at your conference, training event or professional development workshop.

Kate also offers individual professional mentoring.

Register Your Interest >

"Embracing my children's, and then my own, Autistic and Neurodivergent identities changed my parenting and professional practice profoundly.

I now teach and support people to apply best practice principles through a neurodivergent-affirming lens, and provide safe, and responsive support that change people's lives"

~ Kate

Hello! I'm Kate!

With over 20 years of professional experience in the disability and educational sectors, and a lifetime of lived experience, I provide uniquely authentic, compassionate neurodivergent-led education and support.

I support parents, carers, and professionals to implement evidence-based neuroaffirming practices and to develop a neuroaffirming lens through online courses, one-to-one sessions, group training, professional development and public speaking.

As a neurodivergent woman, mother of neurodivergent kids, and community member who is immersed in my neurodivergent community, I want to be part of change, where neurodivergent people are embraced and supported to flourish.

I love being part of being part of creating new systems and change, because what we leave for our next generations is just as important as the life we're living now.

More About Me

Hello! I'm Kate!

With over 20 years of professional experience in the disability and educational sectors, and a lifetime of lived experience, I provide uniquely authentic, compassionate Neurodivergent-led education and support.

I support parents, carers, and professionals to implement evidence-based neuroaffirming practices and to develop a neuroaffirming lens through online courses, one-to-one sessions, group training, and professional development and public speaking.

As a neurodivergent woman, as a mother of neurodivergent kids, and as a community member who is immersed in my autistic and neurodivergent community, I want to be part of change, where neurodivergent people are embraced and supported to flourish.

I love being part of being part of creating new systems and change, because what we leave for our next generations is just as important as the life we're living now.

More About Me

Create the connected family you desire

As parents, we are here to support our children to understand who they are, how the world works and how to be the healthiest version of themselves within it. This is a difficult task when the world is not designed to meet neurodivergent needs, but it is not impossible and I can show you how!


Dynamic Parenting Course

The easy-to-follow online course with regular group mentoring and community support.

Understand Neurodiversity

Unpacks neurodiversity, your child's strengths and challenges & developing deep relationships.

Strategies & Support

Explore values, goals and needs. Learn to navigate therapy, advocate and create a toolkit of strategies for a better life!

Confident & Connected

Leave feelings of being overwhelmed and isolated behind. Deeply understand and connect with your neurodivergent child to confidently navigate parenting.


What Our Clients Have To Say


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How we can work together

Have safe, constructive conversations with Kate on neurodivergent affirming options, strategies and approaches.

Online Course

Dynamic Parenting Online Course & Community

Learn More >

1:1 Parent

Compassionate parent mentoring and coaching.

Join the Waitlist >

1:1 Neurodivergent Mentoring

Neuroaffirming mentoring for neurodivergent adults & teens. 

Join the Waitlist >

Professional Development

Professional Development, Mentoring & Speaking.

Register Your Interest >

Neurodivergent Education is FAMILY centred, supporting each individual within the family to get their needs so the whole family can flourish.

Neurodivergent Education is an Autistic-led social enterprise that employs neurodivergent staff to support neurodivergent people and the people around them.


Neurodivergent Education operates on unceded Kaurna Yerta. This Country always was, and always will be Aboriginal land. We are committed to the amplification of First Nation voices and decolonisation in our work as we pay our respects to the cultural authority of Aboriginal people from the lands & waters of South Australia, Australia and internationally.


All human rights are respected. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, nonbinary, queer and asexual people, and their friends and allies, are welcomed and supported.

Neurodivergent Education is FAMILY centred, supporting each individual within the family to get their needs so the whole family can flourish.

Neurodivergent Education is an Autistic-led social enterprise that employs neurodivergent staff to support neurodivergent people and the people around them.

Neurodivergent Education operates on unceded Kaurna Yerta. This Country always was, and always will be Aboriginal land. We are committed to the amplification of First Nation voices and decolonisation in our work as we pay our respects to the cultural authority of Aboriginal people from the lands & waters of South Australia, Australia and internationally.

All human rights are respected. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, nonbinary, queer and asexual people, and their friends and allies, are welcomed and supported.