You don't need to do it alone!

Imagine feeling supported as you navigate the dynamic nature of parenting and caring for your neurodivergent child/ren.

It IS possible to become a neurodivergent-affirming parent,
and we can help!

Changing the way we support neurodivergent people

Learn how to support neurodivergent flourishing!

Develop a neurodivergent affirming lens and learn how to implement evidence-based neuroaffirming practices





Do you feel like you give everything to support your child but feel like it's not enough?

Are you left exhausted and feel like you are failing as a parent even though you are doing your best? 

We are all told parenting is hard, but nobody prepares us for parenting children who are developing differently in a society that doesn't understand them or how to meet their basic needs!

Do you feel like you give everything to support your child but feel like it's not enough?

Are you left exhausted and feel like you are failing as a parent even though you are doing your best? 

We are all told parenting is hard, but nobody prepares us for parenting children who are developing differently in a society that doesn't understand them or how to meet their basic needs!

I've been here too... 

When my children were young I felt so alone.

All I wanted was for my children to learn, grow, and be happy. Even though I had a degree in child development, studied disability, education and attachment, and worked in the disability sector before having my own children, nothing seemed to be working.

What worked for other kids did not work for mine, and we were all unhappy, the opposite of what I was striving for.

As a mum of 2 neurodivergent kids, I know what it’s like to:

  • be on high alert every moment just to get through the day
  • get so caught up trying to manage everything that I often missed the joyful moments right in front of me
  • feel alone on this journey and that nobody else truly understands

After hitting breaking point, I developed a sustainable model and framework for parenting neurodivergent kids centred on relationship safety and secure attachment. I then begun supporting other parents to develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence to mentor and guide their children, as well as honour their own needs to thrive as a parent and carer.

I want you to experience this too!

We are all on this parenting journey together and we really do need each other's support.

Dynamic Parenting Online Course & Community

Create the connected family you desire

As parents, we are here to support our children to understand who they are, how the world works and how to be the healthiest version of themselves within it.
This is a difficult task when the world is not designed to meet neurodivergent needs, but it is not impossible and I can show you how!

Understand Neurodiversity

Unpacks neurodiversity, your child's strengths and challenges & developing deep relationships.

Strategies & Support

Explore values, goals and needs. Learn to navigate therapy, advocate and create a toolkit of strategies for a better life!

Confident & Connected

Leave feelings of being overwhelmed and isolated behind. Deeply understand and connect with your neurodivergent child to confidently navigate parenting.


Our neurodivergent affirming approach is woven through everything we do, including how we support you.

Neurodivergent Affirming

Parent Mentoring & Support with Kate

Kate helps parents develop a new framework for life that reflects on the child’s, the parent’s, and the whole family's capacity. 

Personalised & tailored to you and your family.

I know all too well that no two children are the same, and therefore their care needs will be different and most likely their own expectations will be different. I deeply understand from a lived perspective what this is like as a parent, and also working as a teacher.

I help you to unpack this.

I teach people to be more responsive an attuned to themselves as parents, and their whole family.

We take a holistic approach, where we look at the family system and prioritise what is manageable for you and for the whole the family.


Through our 1:1 Parent Consults you will learn HOW to be neuroaffirming and receive personalised mentoring, guidance and specialised support from me, Kate.

I use my unique ability to collect and synthesise data and information from you and apply a neuroaffirming lens to everyday challenges to provide you with curated  recommendations specific to you and your family.

You will be empowered with creative and unique solutions that are simply not possible with the traditional parenting lens. 

Together we will develop a new framework for life that reflects the whole family capacity, including yours.


What Our Clients Have To Say

Hello! I'm Kate!

With over 20 years of professional experience in the disability and educational sectors, and a lifetime of lived experience, I provide uniquely authentic, compassionate neurodivergent-led education and support.

As a mum of 2 neurodivergent kids, I know what it’s like to felt so overwhelmed with the task of raising neurodivergent children who were not thriving or happy. I decided that I needed to learn more to try and figure out how to create a thriving family, so I studied professional courses on neuroscience and developmental research but all it did was confirm what I already knew, that relationship safety and secure attachment were key.

I developed a sustainable way to parent neurodivergent kids with high needs - a model that honoured me and my needs as well as my children and their needs.

I began supporting other parents to develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence to mentor and guide their children. This was the birth of Dynamic Parenting.

If you are ready to take the steps to becoming a Dynamic Parent and creating a strong relationship with your child please reach out, I would love you to join us.

More About Me

Hello! I'm Kate!

With over 20 years of professional experience in the disability and educational sectors, and a lifetime of lived experience, I provide uniquely authentic, compassionate Neurodivergent-led education and support.

I support parents, carers, and professionals to implement evidence-based neuroaffirming practices and to develop a neuroaffirming lens through online courses, one-to-one sessions, group training, and professional development and public speaking.

As a neurodivergent woman, as a mother of neurodivergent kids, and as a community member who is immersed in my autistic and neurodivergent community, I want to be part of change, where neurodivergent people are embraced and supported to flourish.

I love being part of being part of creating new systems and change, because what we leave for our next generations is just as important as the life we're living now.

More About Me

Neurodivergent Affirming Parent Support  

We are in your corner, providing neuroaffirming advice and continued support to move forward and create the connected family you desire.

Let us help you develop practical, actionable, evidence-based skills and knowledge through a Neurodivergent Affirming framework.

Dynamic Parenting Online Course & Community

Learn HOW to be a Neurodivergent Affirming caregiver with credible, actionable, evidence-based support.

Self-paced online program with optional supportive online community.

Learn More >

Personalised & Tailored 1:1 Parent Mentoring & Support

Compassionate mentoring and coaching with Kate. Empowering, safe and constructive conversations on neurodivergent affirming options, strategies and approaches with someone who understands from both a parenting and lived experience perspective.


Join the Waitlist >

Neurodivergent Education is FAMILY centred, supporting each individual within the family to get their needs so the whole family can flourish.

Neurodivergent Education is an Autistic-led social enterprise that employs neurodivergent staff to support neurodivergent people and the people around them.


Neurodivergent Education operates on unceded Kaurna Yerta. This Country always was, and always will be Aboriginal land. We are committed to the amplification of First Nation voices and decolonisation in our work as we pay our respects to the cultural authority of Aboriginal people from the lands & waters of South Australia, Australia and internationally.


All human rights are respected. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, nonbinary, queer and asexual people, and their friends and allies, are welcomed and supported.

Neurodivergent Education is FAMILY centred, supporting each individual within the family to get their needs so the whole family can flourish.

Neurodivergent Education is an Autistic-led social enterprise that employs neurodivergent staff to support neurodivergent people and the people around them.

Neurodivergent Education operates on unceded Kaurna Yerta. This Country always was, and always will be Aboriginal land. We are committed to the amplification of First Nation voices and decolonisation in our work as we pay our respects to the cultural authority of Aboriginal people from the lands & waters of South Australia, Australia and internationally.

All human rights are respected. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, nonbinary, queer and asexual people, and their friends and allies, are welcomed and supported.